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The Registry

Voyageur Metis registry is a collection of the genealogies of its members which is kept confidential from third party persons or organizations.

We require that records for our members be verified for every generation, which means our membership is solidly documented as to entitlement to Metis Status. It may seem lenghty to get your long form birth certificates, but we take this documented proof seriously and reflect that in our registry. We also cannot assume genealogies based on the traditional birth certificate card, as it does not state who the parents are. We also cannot obtain long form records for living persons due to privacy laws -- click here to
obtain that portion yourself .

We do not share information about our members to anyone else, but we also are the ONLY community that shares with you anything we may find about your native ancestors.

We do not issue cards to anyone who does not have solidly proven Native ancestry. While we check for fur trade ancestry, and cultural practices within our community, nobody can obtain registry nor our card without proven Native ancestry.


Fees for registration and issuing your Metis Card are as follows:

Type Cost Duration
Adult - Initial $60 5 years
Adult - Renewal $25 5 years
Youth - Initial
(13-18 yrs with verified parent)
$30 5 years
Youth - Renewal $20 5 years
Child - Initial
(to 13 yrs with verified parent)
$25 5 years
Child - Renewal $15 5 years
Senior - Initial
(over 65)
$50 5 years
Senior - Renewal $25 5 years
we do not provide cards to non-native persons --

metis status card metis status card metis status card metis status card indian aboriginal

Metis kids

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